Offer your landlords an advanced rent option
Letting agents have been benefiting from the inclusion of Rent in Advance, a service that provides an advanced rent option to their clients, in attracting new landlords.
For over a decade, starting from 2011, we have been offering this exceptional service that ensures landlords receive six months' rent upfront on the initial day of the tenancy.

With Rent In Advance you can:

Attract new landlords
Late or non-payment of rent can put a strain on any relationship. Rent Guaranteed pays the rent on time every month, removing the damage a bad tenant can cause

Improve relationships with your current landlords
Rent Guaranteed gives landlords financial security and enables agents to charge a higher management fee by including it in their managed service.

Increase revenue
The freedom from chasing rent and the associated administrative burden also gives agents more time to grow their own business.
How does it work?
Through the Rent In Advance service, Advanced Rent takes responsibility for paying your landlord the initial six months' rent, deducting our combined fee. Subsequently, we manage the collection of payments from the tenant throughout the six-month period. In the seventh month, the landlord has the option to receive another six-month advance or revert to a monthly management fee arrangement.
Our comprehensive service encompasses rent guarantee insurance as a standard feature, providing coverage for any issues that may arise during the tenancy. Furthermore, our legal team is prepared to handle the complete eviction process, if necessary, to ensure the legal possession of your landlord's property.

Key benefits:
Who is the insurer of your Tenant Contents InsuranceOur Tenants Contents cover is underwritten by a panel of cherry picked insurers consisting of Axa, LV, RSA and UK General.
Who should i contact in the event of a claim?In the event of a claim, you should contact your underwriter which will be detailed on your certificate of insurance.
Can i transfer my No Claims Discount (NCD) from another policy?Yes. If there is more than one person named on the policy with two different NCD, the higher can be used I'm sharing the property but the only one named on the tenancy agreement.
Are we all covered by this policy?The policy covers you, your partner and any other person permanently living with you under their tenancy agreement (including any children or foster children). The policy does not cover lodgers or other tenants not covered under your tenancy agreement.
What is the cooling off period for this cover?There's a 14 day cooling off period from the start of the policy. In the event of cancellation after the cooling off period, a pro rata refund will be given if no claim has been made.
What is the most i can claim for one item?The most you can claim for any one valuable is £2,500 unless the item is specified on the policy.
I work from home, is my business equipment covered?"Business equipment is covered up to the sum insured for clerical work only. Business equipment is defined as computer equipment, printers, photocopiers, computer aided design equipment, office furniture and furnishings and telecommunications equipment used in any way for business purposes. This does not include any property held as stock.